Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Life is Simple


It has been a long time since I wrote. Why?
I was asking this question to myself. The answer was simple, like the title of this post.
It was a choice I was making. The only issue is - I was not aware of this choice and the time kept on going past, second by second.

Today I want to share a quote with you which I re-read in my diary - written more than two years ago.

It is:

Life is simple. We unnecessarily complicate it and to simplify it again, we use complicated methods.

Let us deliberate on this a little more. What is it that complicates life - it is what continues to go on in our mind, perhaps endlessly. Believing that thoughts have power, every thought that is not helping us, supporting us or nurturing us ultimately adds to complexity of life.

Thoughts are the seeds of our reality. More there is repetition of unproductive or waste thoughts, more they tend to gain power. We then start noticing realities that we do not wish to see.

When complexities of life increase, there is an inner demand to find some solution. Our search begins. We go here and we go there. We meet this and we meet that. We indulge in this or we indulge in that. We buy this or we buy that. All this done with a hope to find a way out or to find a way forward.

Does anything work? I have my own reservations about that. My understanding is that we need to find a solution where the source of problem is. When the source of problem is internal, how can external solutions work. Even if they appear to be working temporarily, how long will they sustain.

Since the access to the solution is available only to the individual, one has to work on himself or herself. That is why, time given to oneself is very significant. That will show you the way forward and the way out.

Loads of love and wishes


1 comment:

  1. Well written Sir, feeling so soothed after reading this
