Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Daily Choices


Today, I am sharing a quote I got to read in one of my mails. How strongly it conveys the message about making daily choices.

You don't have to win the game or the race to be a champion.
Actually, your only true competition in life is yourself.
If you strive to constantly improve,
to make each day better,
to make someone else's load a little lighter,
and make someone's day a little brighter,
then you will be living the life of a true champion.

~Jace Carlton

Monday, August 8, 2011

Two Options - going ahead


I had mentioned in my previous post that there are two choices:

One, do what you enjoy


Two, enjoy what you do.

If we observe closely, we notice that the word 'enjoy' is used in both statements. The only place where there can be some difference is the nature of work.

Given a choice, all of us would like to be associated with that kind of work which we enjoy to do. However, this is a possibility available to a very small minority of population. In majority of cases, people are in the second category. It means that they are doing work which they do not really enjoy to do.

It continues and their productivity keeps coming down, there is disengagement from the organisation and ultimately, the organisation pays the price.

However, there is a ray of hope for such people also. To lead a meaningful and purposeful life, they must start discovering sources of joy in their existing work. How it uses one's potential, how it supports one's life, how it is useful to many others, how it is a significant part of a larger whole.

Deliberation on such questions opens the channel of thought which leads to finding a meaning in one's work. When there is meaning in the work, there is a feeling of joy and when there is a feeling of joy there is growth.

Getting hooked to one of the two choices mentioned in the beginning plays a major role in coming in harmony with the present. It is very significant because unless there is harmony in the present, how can one look forward to a better future.

Have a lovely today and beautiful tomorrow.

Wishing you love and life,


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Two Options


Today I am just sharing a thought. Will add more to it in the next post.

There are two choices:

One, do what you enjoy to do


Two, enjoy what you do.

Wishing you love and life.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tying and Untying Knots


I am feeling good that I am writing for the second day in succession.

One feedback I received on my yesterday's post was that

Half of our life spent in tying knots, rest in untying. Any way 'Life is like that.'

Is life really like that? I thought about it for a while and a new perspective emerged.

To me it indicates that the first half is spent on tying the knots. Since that is the time when humans have the peak of energy, the effort made in tying the knots is also extraordinary. Therefore, the knots are also a bit too tight. In the peak of energy, we are able to:

ignore them,

dismiss them,

overlook them,

discount them, and so on. But hardly make an attempt to open them.

However, life continues to inch forward. The same knots start becoming bothersome when we find ourselves in the midst of

poor health,

mental imbalance,

broken relationships,

stuck career, and so on.

Now we start noticing those knots. Now we want to open them all.

Do we have the energy? Do we have the skills required?

With the passage of time, energy levels start dipping. We also notice that we also lack the skills required. The reason for lack of skills is that we never made the attempt to learn them in the first place.

Does it mean that those knots will never open? I never said that. What it requires is:

A strong willingness to open them &

A readiness to work on oneself.

Because the knots are inside us and only we have access to open them.

Wishing you love and life,


Life is Simple


It has been a long time since I wrote. Why?
I was asking this question to myself. The answer was simple, like the title of this post.
It was a choice I was making. The only issue is - I was not aware of this choice and the time kept on going past, second by second.

Today I want to share a quote with you which I re-read in my diary - written more than two years ago.

It is:

Life is simple. We unnecessarily complicate it and to simplify it again, we use complicated methods.

Let us deliberate on this a little more. What is it that complicates life - it is what continues to go on in our mind, perhaps endlessly. Believing that thoughts have power, every thought that is not helping us, supporting us or nurturing us ultimately adds to complexity of life.

Thoughts are the seeds of our reality. More there is repetition of unproductive or waste thoughts, more they tend to gain power. We then start noticing realities that we do not wish to see.

When complexities of life increase, there is an inner demand to find some solution. Our search begins. We go here and we go there. We meet this and we meet that. We indulge in this or we indulge in that. We buy this or we buy that. All this done with a hope to find a way out or to find a way forward.

Does anything work? I have my own reservations about that. My understanding is that we need to find a solution where the source of problem is. When the source of problem is internal, how can external solutions work. Even if they appear to be working temporarily, how long will they sustain.

Since the access to the solution is available only to the individual, one has to work on himself or herself. That is why, time given to oneself is very significant. That will show you the way forward and the way out.

Loads of love and wishes
