Monday, June 30, 2014

Easy and Difficult

Dear All,

It is easy to get education
It is difficult to get education of choice

It is easy to get education of choice
It is difficult to get institution of choice

It is easy to get institution of choice
It is difficult to get a job (read as profession also)

It is easy to get a job
It is difficult to get a job of choice

It is easy to get a job of choice
It is difficult to get an organisation of choice

It is easy to get job in organisation of choice
It is difficult to retain a job

It is easy to retain a job
It is difficult to grow in a job

It is easy to grow in job
It is difficult to grow in LIFE

The one who chooses to grow in Life
Makes all else easy in Life

Continue to invest in LIFE to make it easy...

Wishing you most and more...


Friday, June 6, 2014

The Quest for Learning

Dear Friends in the Journey of Life,

"IMPACT 2014" is underway in Hyderabad right now. This is an event organised to empower students. Thousands of students participate in this 8-day learning bonanza and experts drawn from a variety of fields share their wisdom and experience with young learning minds.

What inspired me to write this is a chance meeting with a little boy named Karthik who was bubbling with infectious energy. In a jamboree of students on the verge of completing their basic courses, Karthik was standing out because he is studying only in class IV. 

As I was coming out of the venue yesterday, I had a brief conversation with him which was very inspiring. Gist of the conversation was that he had come to pick some threads of learning using his holiday time well. All I could do then was to silently admire the attitude this child was demonstrating at such a young age - he was demonstrating what 'quest for learning' is. Perhaps his vision was:

I started reflecting on what learning is all about, why is it important, what it takes and how to go about it. Sharing thoughts that emerged.

Learning is a process of being receptive to what all is happening around you. It takes place when the mind is open, eyes are observing and ears are listening. The fundamental requirement is the willingness to add to what is already known. The life is so rich and so dynamic that there are opportunities to learn any time and every time and it is a never ending process.

Why is learning important? Human beings are meant to evolve. This evolution happens only through the process of learning, whether it is acquired by conscious efforts or indirectly by observation or contemplation. It is said that a learning mind is an ever young mind and it continues to expand your horizon.

There are different different ways to enhance learning. To list a few:

     (i)     Look for opportunities to learn and capitalise on those opportunities
     (ii)    Be in the company of those who have 'been there, done that'
     (iii)   Read consistently - not only related to what you do but beyond that
     (iv)   Observe what all is happening around you
     (v)    Reflect on life experiences

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”  ― Abigail Adams

Every day offers some life lessons, if only we:

However, if we do not learn, we may end up with something like this:

Learning is a choice that each one of us can exercise, life long. Let us commit ourselves to it, now.

Wishing you love and life,
